Friday, April 15, 2005

Day 1...

....I seriously won't do that...I just couldn't resist typing it!

Much as I wanted to NOT leave the hotel...I "HAD" to. Ended up at The Block and went to see "Fever Pitch" and walked around The Block...literally. Stopped in a couple stores but pretty much walked around and they have added some neat stuff. There is a glow in the dark mini-golf course and a cool new bowling alley.

The city of Orange has a 10 PM curfew for those under 18 and security was out in force checking IDs. They almost stopped me...that was funny. They have announcements every 15 minutes or so reminding them they need to leave so I think they are really cracking down on the curfews all over the county.

I was sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start and I was thinking I drove 400 miles to go to The Block and sit in a movie theater??? But, it is something that was a part of my life when I lived here. The Crystal Cathedral is across the street so it was something I did a couple times a week. Not always there...but it isn't anything out of the ordinary for me. The only weird part was going there and not running into anyone I know...but I think that would be the case if the (almost) last 4 years hadn't have happened anyway. But that was felt okay to do something so NORMAL for me.

It's not a matter of not fully engaging in life at home...but I lived here for 17 whole adult life (well...from 16 to 30+) was spent here even if I did grow up in San is all very different. Not bad...a little lonely and my mother is a psycho...but different.

The thing is...I would move back even if I had a job NOT in ministry. I'd like to go back to Saddleback and that would be hard to do if I was working at another church, so I leave it in God's hands...I just want to be where He wants me.

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