Monday, July 11, 2005

Job Update

Just got an email from West Valley Pres. and they offered the position to someone else.

I'm bummed because I NEED OUT OF THIS HOUSE...but honestly, after made me see how happy and content I am at Westminster (except for the no insurance and PT thing). As I told Rob last week or the week before...during VBS I FINALLY felt like I was a Director of Children's Ministries. Stuff just started clicking in my head and over the past week or so since VBS I have been planning my next plan of attack...going back over the CE Building and cleaning and redoing borders, etc. Oh...and really getting the Nursery/Toddler Room in shape.

Besides...after the I sent the first email to check on progress and didn't hear back, I pretty much figured that it was a no go. least I finally heard back and can go camping and not have to think much about it.

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