Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day!

I woke up feeling a ton better yesterday...except for having not a whole lot of energy...and that was good thing because I had a lot to do. Go see Toni, go see "Rent," do Turkey Day prep., etc.

Some stuff has been going on that I realized I was using (or should I say...NOT using) food to deal with. Basically, something I saw as Rob taking control of flipped my "default" switch and I ended up automatically in major restictionville. I still struggle with it anyway, but I haven't even been eating a complete meal...just a portion of one (i.e. protein and that is it). My DIETITIAN of all things made me promise to go to In-n-Out last night. I told her I would...but I couldn't ptomise a burger...but I could commit to grilled cheese. That was the only thing that sounded remotely edible to me. So, I did it and have committed to eating a full meal today...which I hate doing after doing all the cooking, but I can't slide now.

Toni also thought that with all the good stuff happening right now that I am putting all of it ahead of me since not only has food decreased but even hydration. She has a point.

So, I need to check on stuff and get offline.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

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