Thursday, July 26, 2007

Black #35

At our last Small Group meeting, each of us wrote an affirmation or something we liked/appreciated about each other member of our group. Not an easy thing to do because we had 22 people in our group. Either I misplaced 3 of them or someone didn't complete the assignment (it was pretty daunting)...but here are mine:

1. You kept me interested and awake this week which is a great accomplishment on
your rock!

2. An AH-MAZE-ING Small group leader. Thanks so much I had a ton of fun!

3. You were a good leader. I am blessed to have met you.

4. Great leader and inspiration.

5. Teaches well.

6. Thanks for inspiring me.

7. Great leader. Brought everyone together.

8. Funny ( me: who knew??)

9. You are such a great small group leader, I'm glad you were mine.

10. Nice

11. You have been an awesome leader.

12. Easy Going

13. You're a great small group leader.

14. Thanks for being our leader! Great personality.


16. Thank you for your time and energy.

17. Great leader. Fun.

18. You were an amazing leader and a great friend. Thank you for a great week.

I think what surprises me the most about all of this was that I had no clue all week. Last PYT I had a great feel for what I was doing and how the kids were tracking and pretty much what they thought of me. This time...not so much. So, yeah...I post this because I don't want to forget what was said and I know I'll lose 18 little slips of paper!

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