Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My Mother...


We are watching Dr. Phil (yeah, yeah...she likes him) and it’s part two of the “real life desperate housewives” and the women are telling their secrets to their husbands. One woman has been bulimic for about 15 years and purges 1-6 times a day. My mom looks over at me and says, “Eating disorders really are a disease aren’t they?”

I was a good girl and kept my mouth shut. Then she asked me if I still purged and I said no. Didn’t tell her it had only been two months since the last time though!

Then the other thing...I guess she got my computer on Friday when she and my friend Kim went shopping. Now all I hear her complain about is the balance on her credit card. You know what? I never asked for the darn thing...she offered to get me one for Christmas. I am ready to tell her to take it back if it will shut her up.

1 comment:

me said...

if it's an emac, keep it!...and give her valium. lots of it. hehe...sorry, J/K.

yer on my blogroll, too.....