Friday, August 26, 2005


This Sunday I am doing a meeting with all my Biblemaniacs teachers (well...most of them I hope and pray)for the coming year. We will talk about the theme for the year (the WoRM curriculum we use has a 6 year scope and sequence) which is "Messiah" and go over the first three lessons for September. We'll talk about "multiple intelligences" and what is expected from the teachers when they teach. I have been working toward doing this for the past couple years and I am so happy it is FINALLY getting off the ground! The best thing was getting the pulpit support after my reminder announcement last Sunday and hearing back from a faithful teacher saying she is looking forward to teaching again this year!

So, I am getting "stuff" together for the meeting and pray that most of my teachers will be attending.

I really feel good about the coming year and the meeting the goals set for me. I need to get the otjer team going. I'll see two of the three tonight at small group and see what works for them and then call my third. I am hoping we can meet next week.

whoever is out there reading...please pray for this! Internally I really am gung-ho...but as the depression continues to close in I am finding myself procrastinating a little and wanting to just sleep!

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