Thursday, August 11, 2005


This was what happened in the 8th inning, #5 was tossed out...not that DaVanon was a big help anyway...but striking out was not worth getting tossed out of the game in the 8th inning.

The A's fans were actually pretty nice to me, although I talked to some others where that was not the case. The again, they were guys...I was alone and people thought that was pretty cool. I was sititng with these two guys from the Lexus dealership across the street and they were good natured. There were pockets of Angels fans all over...but I wish we would have been sitting together!

1 comment:

Joann said...

I wish the A's could move to San Jose. It would make it easier for all of us (even the wrong side) to get to a game. Brave of you to go.