Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Okay...I have several updates on various and sundry things...so here we go:

Meeting last week: The one goal that was set was to out together a "vision team" to tackle the two biggest things we need to get done in Children's Ministry and one that needs to get done because w eneed new carpet in the 3/4 year old room soon! Oh, and put together a notebook that outlines the programs/calendar for the year. Not a problem. My SP said he wants this to work because he doesn't want to look for anyone else. It is very doable...just worried about what if the all five people on our short list say no. I'll find out this week as I begin to make the calls!

Community BBQ: In church on Sunday our SP shared things he had heard and something that was overheard and it was all very positive. One community member talked to our SP and asked if this was the church where "all" the community meetings were held and that cared about the neighborhood. Yup...that is us!

The second comment was over heard and the store next to the church. There was another meeting going on over there and someone tuned to a woman and said something like, "You go to 'that church' tell me about it. What are they like?" She replied that she was not involved here as she is Muslim...but she has visites several times for church services and communit events. She told him that if she DID go to church it would be ours as she says we are the epitome of what "church should be." She said we are friendly, we don't judge, etc. He then said he may have to check us out! I think we are the best kept secret in town!

Recovery "stuff:" As of this writing I am 10 1/2 months-ish purge free (for those newbies reading this I don't binge...ever) and just over 9 months SI free. I think the hardest part is that much of the time I feel like I am just one sandwich away from going back and/or one cut away from being sucked back in. I was telling Rob yesterday that the thought of cutting enters my mind all the time...I just don't act in it. He said that it makes sense because for 3 1/2 years it was a habit and something I did to cope with a myriad of "stuff."

Lately, I am trying to figure out if I am really feeling pretty good OR if I am complete emotion shut down because on a moment to moment basis I have no clue what I am feeling and each time Rob asks me I truly don't know...which is the stuck point I guess we'll start on Thursday. Things have been a little off kilter lately because of VBS and then I was gone and then he was gone so it's been a good month since we have delved into anything heavy.

The Job I Didn't Get: I looked at the church newsletter and I have one thing to say: I would have hired her, too!

I honestly feel better being outmatched rather than evenly matched and still not getting the job! She do deserved it and I know she will do well there!

So, that's it. My mom is still fairly toothless, my SP is gone for the next 2 weeks and that will give me a lot of time to get done what I need to without having anyone looking over my shoulder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RYC: I am going to try that! Thank you for the link about the turkey. And congrats on the milestones! Keep going!