Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Heading Toward Another Milestone...

Today marks the 11 months since the last time I have self-harmed and also means it has been 11 months that I have not used purging and cutting at the same time... meaning where BOTH behaviors have ceased. That is almost the bigger milestone. Now if I can throw three meals into the mix that would be good...but food/meals is still a HUGE issue for me...but we are working on it!

I hate it...but I have the exercise under control and I hope in another 4 weeks or so I can get either a 4th day OR be able to add a group exercise class. I asked Toni and even yoga is out for now. It would be so easy to not stick to our agreement and do what I want to do at the gym...but sooner or later it'd be found out. I am a LOUSY liar and you can only hide over-exercising too long. I my case it would be a LONG time...but still. Plus it would get me nowhere and I want recovery...there are just days that I want to chuck it all. I do not think I am alone in that though.


Anonymous said...

***Hugs*** D- I'm SOOO proud of you for continuing to take care of yourself and for resisting to give into these behaviors. That's AWESOME!!! You're doing amazing work. Keep it up!

tonymyles said...

Very cool! Keep after it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know how hard that is!!!

How very very hard! (my eyes are widening as I type as my own memories surface!!!)

It's been a long journey huh?

I haven't been into see L because of all my habitat hours (407, 43 to go!!!!!!) and I am starting to realize just how long/hard of a journey this has been .....

Congratulations D ... I am soooo happy for you!

You're in my prayers!!!