Friday, July 11, 2003

Today I am going to introduce y'all to the world of BCAs. That stands for Behavior Chain Analysis. It where an "event" happened and traces it to what lead to the behavior and what I could have done to stop it before it happened. It was a four page thingie at LIFE...but really helpful as I had to fill out quite a few of them!

Problem Behavior: Did not eat breakfast

Describe the problem behavior:

I am sick of eating. This is the most consistent I have been with my meal plan about five weeks fairly solid. My last two weeks at LIFE and now my almost three weeks here at home. Prior to that, I think I had 3 good weeks at LIFE before the depressive episode hit and I went off plan again.

I have been pretty anxious all week. I am using my skills and doing what I can to tolerate all of it...but I am worried about money, my living situation, etc. I know in my head it will all work out...but as look at expenses and the fact I don't get paid for almost three weeks...I keep freaking out!

So, as usual, I take everything out on my body. But, above and beyond the external stressors...I plain wasn't hungry when I got up and I overslept. I debated eating and decided that I didn't have time and that I can always grab a Boost later. Okay, I am not hungry most of the time I have to eat...but I feel "gross" and "fat" and that not eating is the way to solve it.

Anyway, so I stood in the kitchen debating and just said, "forget it."

Prompting Event: My current situation
Vulnerability: Tired, anxious, sad
Links: Thoughts-- I am fat and gross, I don't need to eat
Feelings-- stressed, sadness
Actions-- Not eating breakfast

Solution Analysis

Links to be broken/Skill to break the chain

I am fat and gross/Catch it, challenge it, change it

I don't need to eat/Radical Acceptance


Sadness/Opposite to emotion

Not eating b'fast/Radical Accpetance;Willingness

Consequences: Feeling guilty, continuing to feel tired because of lack of nutrition.

Amends or repairs? Need to be honest with Rob/Toni about it

What will I do differently next time? Eat anyway and stick to my meal plan and haave my cards out if need be.

That, in a nutshell, is a BCA. I didn't do page three because I can't do that with a Blog. It's a page with circles on it (chains) and I fill it in with the information I wrote down on page 2.

Looks like I will go to my place later tonight so mom and I can ahve dinner together. Hmmm...can we say she isn't sure how well I will do on my own either? That's fine...she's bringing home fish for dinner so that's cool.

Okay...need to try and get work done now!

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