Monday, January 26, 2004

An Experiment...

For the next couple weeks, I am going to just be making "Blogger Idol" entries. Today we had another gut wrenching session that has left me exhausted...still convinced he is trying to find ways to terminate me without making it seem like he wants to and wanting to do what I can on my end to make our time more productive.

He said if he had his way he would take the blog, the YS Forum and email away from me so the things I say in those realms would be what I say to him instead. The blog isn't like that so much anymore...but he has given me a bit to think about and I want to see if it does make a difference in our time together...see if it causes me to make more phone calls to him and have him call me back or if I start to shut down.

I may just keep this more everyday "blah" stuff because it has become such a habit for me...but we'll see.

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