Wednesday, September 10, 2003

The "Alice in Wonderland" attraction at Disneyland starts out with Alice talking about chasing the White Rabbit and falling "down, down, down" into Wonderland. Well, I can relate to the this point I would take Wonderland over wherever I am this time around. It seems like a bootmless pit at times this week.

I come home from work and sleep until like 6 and then can't get to sleep until about 1 or 2 AM and then the whole cycle starts over again. I KNOW I have the ability to break this cycle...but right now it seems like way too much effort. But, then I want to make mincemeat outta my leg for some "relief" from the depression and last night I really had to fight myself to stay away from my arms and cut deep. I am so NOT suicidal, but this is what a depressive episode does. Admittedly, I HAVE become suicial in the midst of an episode, but I am really trying to do things to keep the low from reaching that point.

Right now I am putting the door sign together and my meeting with Cindy went well I feel set for this week and ifI can get much of my stuff done today and tomorrow and Friday I won't have to come in Saturday. I am not holding my breath though! There is still a lot to do!

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