Sunday, September 07, 2003

So, the church in Concord is interested in me. In fact, the youth got to see the resumes and I was chosen by THEM! I have their questions and one is if I would eat a dung beetle for a teen. There is a lot I would do...that would NOT be one of them! They asked that I put the interview on tape or DVD, but I emailed and asked if I could maake the drive up's only like an hour away.

We'll see. I could commute for a few months and I would commute once a week to see Rob and Toni...maybe do a phone session with him and one in person. That is so putting the cart before the horse...but I need to think of all this.

This week is going to be crunch time...big time! I need to get so much done and so I have to matter how unfocused I feel right now. I have things that need to get done by next week. I so need to get an ink cartridge for my printer here today so I will have it for Tuesday. I need to get the new door poster done and the lesson plans for "David," and the new CM brochure, etc.

Please me focus on YOU and on reaching these precious kids with YOUR love and YOUR grace.

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