Friday, October 24, 2003

Happy Friday!

The past two months have been very put it mildly. They have been the hardest, heart wrenching, yada, yada, yada, months I have ever had in therapy. But, I have discovered a couple things:

1. Rob REALLY IS in this for the long haul
2. My life and my therapy life collide WAY too much ;)

Seriously though, dummy me asks Rob to read my blog just once and I promised we'd talk about it. I meant my entry from last Friday. He read the whole month of October! No biggie...he knows it all...but I really didn't want him to read the stuff about HIM...his ego is big enough (kidding)! :) But it is true...lately he such the human voice of truth in my life.

After a mini-crisis last weekend (okay...big mini-crisis) Mr. Voice of Truth calls me at the office (I am usually not here on a Saturday) and has me come in for a 90 minute session. One thing he said is that he is also the voice of reason in my life right now. So true.

Anyway, I know many of you have talked about giving up your careers right now and now I think it's my turn.

I have sent a few resumes here and there and sent one to a church in PHX earlier this week. They called right away and I spoke to someone on the phone yesterday. I thought of NOT mentioning it to Rob...but changed my mind and did anyway.

He told me what I didn't want to hear...but what I NEEDED to hear and I am so the long run I will be. He said that I am a gifted youth worker and have probably not tapped my full potential yet...BUT he wants me a lot healthier and eating better before I do another Indiana fiasco! My words about IN...not his.

He's right...I hate it...but he is right. So, I am going to email them and ask them to take my name out of consideration. I have a couple more resumes out there that I won't hear from for some time so I am going to let those stand.

Ugh. Part of me feels good because I know it is the right thing...but part of me wants to fight it!

OH...and #2...Rob and I know too many of the same people!

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